Couples Therapy

Couple Therapy

A relationship goes through numerous phases during its life cycle and couples can at times experience some difficulties which they are unable to work through without the support of a non- judgemental third person. The strength of a relationship is reflected in how couples deal with rough patches and move ahead. My approach in working with couples is oriented not only towards solving the problems the couple face but to revive the feeling of love and affection they have towards each other. We believe that love should be given a chance, and that there are relationships that can be saved, if only the people involved take that first step and make that effort to save their relationship.

My work with couples involves establishing the levels of commitment and communication between the partners, establishing short-term and long-term goals where both partners are given their own schedules of expectations to be fulfilled, effectively working towards improving the relationship. As a couple therapist I come from a neutral perspective, giving equal time to each partner in session, helping to bring clarity to the relationship by clearly defining the root cause of disharmony and ultimately supporting the couple to rectify issues in the relationship.

Marital Breakdown and Separation

Unfortunately, there are exceptional circumstances in relationship breakdown where differences become irrecoverable and irreversible. If this is the case, couples will be supported towards reaching a mutually agreeable way of moving forward separately and, where necessary, supporting children through this painful process.

The Subconscious Mind & Sandtray Therapy

Have you ever struggled to figure something out—a big decision that you have to make, what to do next in a relationship, …

The Sand tray therapy experience

The world in the sand tray comes from within, but it feels separate; therefore, it feels safe. It is easier for a person …

Sandtray Therapy – a powerful intervention for adults, teens and children

What is Sandtray Therapy? Sand Tray Therapy is a powerful projective psychotherapy that allows for the nonverbal expression …